A little bit about me

Hey, I'm Hanna:)

When I entered the photographer industry, I noticed too many talented photographers who were just overwhelming everyone with themed based photoshoots such as matching outfits, staged picnics or drone photography.

Capturing Memories

It then creates pressure for people who just want a simple photoshoot because they feel the need to copy what everyone else is doing so they don't feel like they are missing out.

Doing these extravagant photoshoots feels like you have to perform instead of relaxing and feeling comfortable with the moment.



But Hanna decided to go against the tide of the fakeness most photographers were pushing in the industry with the fake smiles, forced poses and trying to look “picture-perfect” and staged.



At Hanna Dimitriev Photography we offer love story and proposal photoshoots for couples and we help many couples capture authentic human interaction and celebrate the unique bond you have with your partner by tailoring to your specific needs & preferences.



Our mission is to make the fake smiles,unnatural poses and forced themed photoshoots go out of trend with one authentic photoshoot at a time.


Couple Photoshoots

They are meant to be a great opportunity to take a nice break from the everyday stress & take the time to celebrate the love you have with your partner by enjoying each other’s presence and let the beautiful moments create itself.